- Accredited by the Health Professions Council of Zambia (HPCZ)
- Member of the International Hospital Federation
- Affiliation with Johns Hopkins University, Department of Mental Health.
- Announced between the first 100 signatories at Ethical Principles in Health Care (EPiHC)
- Partner with Africa Health towards improving healthcare for all in Africa.
- In June 2021, Medland Hospital was awarded “Innovation in Healthcare” For its commitment to upholding excellence in Healthcare, at Africa Healthcare Award 2021.
- In June 2021, Zenith Africa Healthcare award for “Innovation in Healthcare”
- In November 2021, IHF Sultane of Oman Excellence Award for “Health Services During Crisis”
- In November 2021 by the American Chamber of Commerce Zambia Medland Hospital was awarded “2021 Covid 19 Hero Member of the Year”
- In April 2022, Zenith Healthcare Award for “Exemplary Partnership”
- In November 2022, Medland Hospital was awarded by the American Chamber of Commerce the “Outstanding Contribution” recognition.